Welcome to Progress in Mind’s live coverage of ECNP 2022. The 35th Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology continued today October 17th, 2022, with a full agenda of symposia, educational updates, campfire sessions, Hot Topics and Poster Jam sessions. Sessions covered schizophrenia and major depression, overcoming barriers to care and managing treatment resistance. Top Papers in brain imaging and anxiety disorders were presented and a ‘Love Your Brain’ session set out strategies to overcome brain fog. Today’s plenary lectures explored the psychobiology of exhaustion and gave novel insights into immune-brain interactions. Here is a summary of today’s (Day 3) highlights from this magnificent motivational Monday in Vienna.
Overcoming barriers to improve patient care
“Stopping antipsychotic treatment is by far the strongest predictor of relapse in schizophrenia and the psychosocial consequences can be very, very serious.” – Professor Robin Emsley, Cape Town, South Africa
Schizophrenia and depression at the forefront
Multiple sessions examined neuroscience research and clinical challenges in schizophrenia and depression including;
“People with treatment-resistant depression who show an early response, within the first 2 weeks, to augmentation treatment go on to have a good subsequent treatment outcome.” – Professor Anthony Cleare, London, UK
A diverse array of research highlights
The various symposia, educational and campfire sessions, hot topics and posters delivered a diverse array of research including;
People with mental health disorders have worse physical health than the general population and risk exclusion from work and poor work performance, with significant economic impact
A star rises from the flames
Among the many though-provoking campfire sessions held today, a highlight was the discussion of comorbidities of major depression led by Dr Liubov Kalinichenko, recipient of a Rising Star award. The strong interconnection of major depression with other psychiatric and peripheral disease symptoms occurs as a consequence of multiple bidirectional pathways with a shared molecular base.
Major depression comorbid with other diseases, including anxiety, substance use disorder, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, results in poorer health related quality of life and increased mortality
Plenary lectures – burnout and immune-brain interactions
Professor Marie Asberg, winner of the 2022 ECNP Neuropsychopharmacology Award, gave a lecture revealing novel insights into the psychobiology of exhaustion. An expert on burnout, Professor Asberg described how prolonged stress leads to exhaustion disorder that often coexists with symptoms of depression and anxiety.3
Dr Jonathan Kipnis’ plenary lecture focused on elucidating complex interactions between the immune and central nervous systems. Mechanistic study of the nature of neuroimmune interactions has broad implications ranging from autism to Alzheimer’s disease.
Our correspondent’s highlights from the symposium are meant as a fair representation of the scientific content presented. The views and opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of Lundbeck.