03 Nov, 2020 Read Time: 1 min The Gut and Mental Health Wellness The gut is a key player in your mental health. The following articles cover various aspects, of the relation between the two. gut health Depression, Schizophrenia 16 Oct, 2020 Congress highlights Lifestyle, the gut, and mental health Alzheimer's Disease 18 Aug, 2020 Congress highlights Modulating the microbiome: a revolution in the making? Alzheimer's Disease 05 Apr, 2019 Congress highlights Encouraging immune response to AD: adjuvants, modifying the microbiome, and microglial rejuvenation Depression 13 Feb, 2019 Article New understanding of the gut microbiome may be the key to many diseases and pave the way for new therapies Depression 22 Jan, 2019 Congress highlights From probiotics to psychobiotics: nutrition, gut and brain Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease 29 Oct, 2020 Congress highlights Gut bacteria may trigger Alzheimer’s disease Sign up for Progress in Mind Middle East and Africa Sign up for our newsletter and stay updated on new content and resources. Related Parkinson's Disease Congress highlights Article New research on Lewy bodies, Pisa syndrome, and changes in the gut Depression Article Treatment Resistant Depression: Causes, Consequences and Cures’ Depression Article E-interventions for depression and suicide